Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My Christmas Present

I totally love winter in SL. I live in a warm climate, so I really get into bundling up for the virtual snow. Today, I'm wearing an old, old, favorite. In fact, it was one of the first things I bought after I joined SL in September of 2007. It's the gray knitted sweater from Kurotsubaki - a store that's still one of my favorites. Kurotsubaki is on the Drowsy sim, which is worth a visit even if you're not shopping.

And there's a reason everyone has been blogging the new group gift skin from Curio - it's totally gorgeous. You get five shades and each has light and dark brows. I have been in skin heaven this holiday season.

This hair is a gift too - Bunny from Hairy Situations. The hat is scripted with tons of different textures. And the jeans - well, I only own one pair of jeans in SL and they're from Zaara. Who needs anything else?

And now on to my Christmas present! I keep to a strict budget in SL and normally the La Vivien books from Courtisane would be well out of my price range. You can't buy a single color - they're scripted to each have three color options that you can mix and match if you want. So they're EXPENSIVE. But they're so beautiful that I completely lost all my willpower. You can individually change the color of the main shoe, the tip part, the upper and lower ankle sections, and the flower. They come in some lovely and crazy color combinations, but I'm pretty conservative with shoes so I'm wearing them in the Sepia tone with the flowers in Earth.

Oh, goodness. Staring at that picture has me remembering how much I liked the gold/red set as well. No! Must . . . Resist . . .

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