Sunday, April 5, 2009

Welcome to the Average Avatar!

Just what the metaverse needs, right? Another SL fashion/sightseeing blog. Well, it's what I need right now so I'm going to do it!

Hi! I'm Lessa Joubert and I've been in SL for about a year and a half now. In other words, forever. I'm just what the title suggests - an average girl with tens of thousands of items in her inventory and no place to wear them all. I've been wanting to do more with SL lately, and I'm so not a builder or designer. But I like taking pictures (although I confess up front to never having even seen Photoshop) and I love shopping. And I love reading SL fashion blogs. So I came up with this idea.

I'm challenging myself to go through my inventory alphabetically and create outfits and then find cool (and preferrably appropriate) sims in which to take pictures. Hopefully, if I ever have a reader or two, you'll get to see some nice clothes and a location you'd like to visit.

I'll try to keep things short and I'll try to only blog clothes you can actually acquire at this time.(Although I know I'll slip on that - who doesn't want to show off all those great Last Call outfits?) Some stuff will be freebies, some not, some designers will only take up one blog entry and some (hello Barerose!) will take up several. Some stuff will be new, some totally not. Who knows? It'll be fun for me even if nobody ever reads it!

So on with the show!

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