Friday, April 10, 2009

The Magic of Oz

The first thing I'll say here is that if you haven't been to The Magic of Oz sim, you've got to go. If you have one tiny ounce of whimsey or fantasy or nostalgia in your body this is a place you don't want to miss. It's also a place I figured I'd never find a way to blog because I just don't have outfits in my inventory that scream "Magic of Oz."

The second thing I have to say is that the Aimee dress is totally not me. I just don't go for the "living doll" approach to dressing my avatar. But that dress has been haunting me ever since it first popped up on the blogs a while ago. "It's so beautiful!" "I'll never wear it." "But it's so beautiful!" "But I'll NEVER wear it."

Of course, when I was at A Piece of Candy last week prepping my Princeton post (alliteration alert!) there it was in all its glory, and I thought of the Oz sim, and next thing I knew my balance was down by $250L.

This really is a nice dress. Beautifully textured, totally affordable, great fishnet stockings included. And it works perfectly here in Oz. This post will be a bit more picture-heavy than in the past because there's so much to see in this great sim. You land at the crossroads and can follow the yellow brick road to the Emerald City, the Witch's Castle, Munchkinland, the poppy field, the Scarecrow's cornfield; there's tons to explore. And it's full of nice little poseballs which I've already said I appreciate.

Here I am checking out an emerald fountain. The boots I'm wearing with this outfit are the very first shoes I ever bought in SL - they're the tapestry ankle boots from Lassitude & Ennui. These are the black, of course, and they also come in taupe. (Note to self - remember to take more close-ups!)

The Aimee dress definitely needs some fairy-tale hair and I found that in the Maiden style from Bewitched. Bewitched and its sister-store House of Heart have great sales and lots of freebies. If you're not in their group, you should be! And, oh God, bad blogger, only my 3rd post and I can't remember what skin I was wearing. And I can't find it. Ah well, nobody's perfect.

So I'll leave you with one of the coolest parts of the Oz sim - the witch's castle. Flying monkeys and all. (Clicking on the pictures, by the way, will bring up a larger version so you can see Oz in all it's glory.) And next time we'll be back to more of my normal style, I promise!

The Slurls!

The Magic of Oz:

A Piece of Candy:

Lassitude & Ennui:


1 comment:

  1. Okay, I totally did not mean to post this just now. I hit a wrong key and here I am. Two posts in one day, wow! Sorry this one's a little rough around the edges!

