Friday, November 12, 2010

Going Random

I really, really need to get my inventory cleaned out and under control. So I turned it into a game! I've randomized all the designers in my clothes folder and am picking one for each blog posting. This has already forced me to visit folders I never peek into and delete things that I thought were cool when I first rezzed three years ago. You know, before I knew about prim skirts.

When I land on one that's actually worth keeping, I'm going to blog it. Today I was assigned Gemini Couture. Now, Gemini Couture doesn't exist any more, so you can't buy the cute outfit I found in that folder, so to give you something worth reading about I put the word "Gemini" into my search window. I expected exotic space-themed stuff or something. Instead I found this:

You really can get everything in Second Life. I never thought of anyone needing barns and stables, but of course, someone must! This is actually a fun little area. There are several rezzers to rez both large and small barns, stables and tack rooms, and you can ride on all the tractors and hay wagons. They're all covered with fun pose balls (we know how I love pose balls). Plus the sim has a nice Celtic music stream running which makes your shopping experience very relaxing.

Here I am checking out the hayloft in one of the bigger barns. These things really are cool. This one has loft doors that open individually or together and room for tons of horses, if that's your thing. I'm wearing my no-longer-available Vivienne dress from Gemini Couture, the always-reliable Clover pumps from Zhao, the Luna hair in auburn from Calico, and my Julie skin in pale from LAQ. I never get tired of this skin.

I always dress like this to visit the stables. Don't you? :)